
about me

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As an undergraduate student at IIIT Bhopal, I've joined the University of Toronto as an NLP research assistant under Prof. Zahra and the University of British Columbia as a research assistant under Prof. Tao Huan. These opportunities deepen my commitment to Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I'm passionate about these technologies' potential for innovation and improving lives. I'm excited to contribute to cutting-edge research at these renowned institutions and believe research is crucial for new ideas. I completed an internship at Hackerearth, gaining practical experience in SQL, ML, and DevOps. Looking ahead, I'm eager to continue my studies and research in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, confident in my ability to make significant contributions to the field.

  • Name: Tanav Singh Bajaj
  • Date of Birth: 22 February 2002
  • Email: tanav.bajaj58@gmail.com
  • Phone: +91 9814062001

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